Oftener than not about this time of the year things begin to really drag down on one’s mind.  The cloud-filled days stack up, the ice is muddy, there’s not enough time to make it home to work in a daylighted yard and a sense of urgency for spring causes one much anxiety.  The want of fresh cut grass lingering in the air, fresh picked strawberries tinting your hands a tad red, incredibly hoppy beer disappearing quickly from the bottle and the sun’s light sticking around a bit longer with each passing day.   This year I’m trying to see the incredible parts of these last few weeks of hard winter and I was lucky enough to capture one yesterday morning with the camera.  Here’s hoping the birds return soon and the cold finds it’s way back North.

Eskew Homestead Sunrise

Sunrise at Eskew Homestead, February 17th, 2010

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