Rogue Shakespeare Stout LabelThis is one of my favorite brews from Rogue brewery located in the Pacific Northwest.  I had experimented with different recipes for this when I was younger, but could never quite get it right because the yeast I would use was not even close the yeast needed for this brew.  Now that the yeast is available, I think this recipe is right on the money.  Try it out  in your home brewery and let me know if it turns out how you expect.  I’m posting an all grain and a grain plus extract process.   Get brewing!


5 gallons
Assumes: 70% efficiency, 5.5 gallons at end of boil
OG: 1.060 (15 P)    IBU: 69

All Grain Version

  • 11.0 lb (5 kg) Great Western 2-row pale malt
  • 0.5 lb (227 g) 120L crystal malt
  • 0.5 lb (227 g) chocolate malt
  • 0.5 lb (227 g) rolled oats
  • 3.0 oz (85 g) roasted barley

Mash at 150F (65C) for 60 minutes. Sparge at 175F (79C) to collect 6.5
gallons of pre-boil wort.

Extract Plus Grains

Steep speciality malts, roasted barley and oats in 150F (65C) water for
20 minutes. Strain, add 7.5 lb (3.4 kg) light malt extract syrup, then
proceed with the boil.


  • 1.oz (28 g) Cascade pellet hops, 5% AA (90 min)
  • 1.oz (28 g) Cascade pellet hops, 5% AA (60 min)
  • 1.oz (28 g) Cascade pellet hops, 5% AA (30 min)
  • 1.oz (28 g) Cascade pellet hops, 5% AA (knockout)
  • 1 tsp (5 mL) Irish moss (20 min)
  • Wyeast Pacman

Boil 90 minutes with the additions shown above. Cool to 60F (16C) and
pitch yeast. Ferment at 60F (16C) for one week, then siphon into
secondary. Hold in secondary at 60F (16C) until fermentation is
complete, then bottle/keg and condition.

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