Just over a week ago, I started our broccoli seeds inside. Last year, as I stated in the previous blog post, we didn’t plan our garden out very well. We did have quite a few vegetables last year, but broccoli was not one of them. The reason we didn’t have any broccoli […]
Last year was the first year we started gardening at our new home. Our soil is quite rocky on our property so we decided to plant our vegetable garden in raised beds. We also utilized the square foot gardening method. One thing is for sure, we didn’t plan our garden […]
This is one of my favorite brews from Rogue brewery located in the Pacific Northwest. I had experimented with different recipes for this when I was younger, but could never quite get it right because the yeast I would use was not even close the yeast needed for this brew. Now that the yeast is […]
We’ve been trying out new bread recipes lately and everything had been turning out pretty dense. We wanted to try out a simple French bread recipe, but as I read a lot of different recipes and books/blogs about it, I found out that everyone does it a little differently. So, I figured why not try […]
So, my wife and I have decided to start this new blog so that we can share information with others that we’ve learned and continue to find out about living a simpler life, homesteading, cooking, art and gardening. We made the decision to head down this path a couple of years ago and we […]
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